Nominate Us To Win
If you have a few minutes, we’d really appreciate a simple nomination for our charity. When you nominate us as an independent charity, you really are making the difference – we could be one nomination away from winning thousands of pounds, but we need your help.
Feel free to bookmark this page as we update the latest web pages where you can nominate us with a few clicks.
Our registered charity number is: 1037480 and you can categorise us as Community/Social Welfare/Mental Health if it asks.
1. Movement for Good
Help us win £1000! Deadline 17 December 2023
Click on the link below to nominate us.
2. Easy Fundraising Advent Calendar
Keep voting till 25th December 2023

Sign up to EasyFundraising for free, choose our charity to donate to whilst you shop and when you spend money, a portion of funds go to us!
At the moment, you can nominate us each day in their EasyFundraising Advent Calendar to win up to £5000.
2. Yeo Valley – Final Quarter of 2023
Help us win £1500!
Thank you for nominating our cause!
Finally, please share the links with friends and family on social media, so others can vote for us too!