Our legacies blog
A space to carry on that conversation about what happens after we die, what legacy means and how your gift can make a difference to our work in South Gloucestershire.
Oct 2023: “Making My Own Will”
Thank you to all those who responded to our recent Gifts in Wills survey from our #GiftsInWills fortnight this month.
It’s really interesting to understand people’s views on where and why they might write a Will. We have had such a range of responses from lots of people who have already made a Will already – to others not wanting to make one – from anywhere between the age of 40 to 70.
Coincidentally, I made my own Will last week. In honesty, I’ve been putting it off for about five years – partly due to the anticipated costs and the disruption of my time. What I learnt was quite how emotional it was – but also rewarding…making decisions of who would be put in legal guardianship of my children and what other gifts I might want to leave behind that have sentimental value. It sparked interesting conversations about the importance of loved ones, charity giving and my priorities. I was also given a really helpful “Just to Let you Know” booklet to fill out in my own time which allows me to have a say in how I want my funeral arrangements or notes to leave behind (I’m sure similar booklets can be made available elsewhere also).
I know we’re not always good at talking about death, but by talking about it more helps dispel embarrassment or prevent rushed decision making when the time comes – and lets us make our passing personal, just as much as we are our own personalities in the present.
At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, we know community and cause is important to you (you’ve also told us in the recent survey!). Please feel free to use our Gifts In Wills pages where we’ll keep up our survey for you to come back to at a later point if it’s helpful to keep the conversation open. Our webpages contain official charity details for you to pass on to your solicitor if you do decide to give to us in the future. But please also know, you may contact me if you’d like to have a conversation about what it might look like to give to Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire in the future – as after all, we are not planning on going anywhere.
Best wishes,
PS: And before I forget, congratulations to the winners of our recent Gifts in Wills prize draw – I’ll be in touch directly for you to receive your prizes!